Wednesday 13 June 2012


Age over 18 is required for marriage of both sexs. If anyone is 16 or 17 and want to marry with who is over 18, you still require permission from judge or megistrate. They check your maturity, duration of relationship,finance and independency as a couple.Once they give permission within three months, you must marry.Furthermore you need permission from parents or guardians in writting,witnessed and dated not before three months of marriage. If they are overseas, you still require permission. As per Australian marriage rule, you cannot get married with same sex.You need divorce certificate from family court or the federal court when you are already married, otherwise it is a criminal offence and you get five years imprisonment.

Thursday 26 April 2012

What is obesity?
   obesity means when people are gaining overweight.
What are the reasons for obesity in children?
   It include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits. It include unhealthy        food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits.
Is obesity only a national problem?
    No. It is World wide problem. No. It is World wide problem.
What do statistics show?
It is almost doubled between 1885-1995 in 7-15 years old. Now it is tripled. It is predicted that in       2020, 65% young adults will be overweight. It is almost doubled between 1885-1995 in 7-15 years old. Now it is tripled. It is predicted that in 2020, 65% young adults will be overweight.
What is making the obesity problem worse?
     Food choices,Lack of physical activity,Overweight parents and Genetics
Does obesity have an impact on children's health?
If yes, explain how?
     It increases the risk of a range of diseases It increases the risk of a range of diseases
What are the other impacts caused by obesity in children?
      Other impact on how children feel about themselves and how they interact with others.It also effect on the development of friendships and competency at school. Overweight children are more likely to be teased by their peers or to develop low self-esteem or body image problems.
What is the treatment?
      contact the Dietitians Association of Australia and tell your doctor.

Thursday 23 February 2012


1918 -N.Mandella born in Transkei, S.Africa
1941- Quailified law
1944- Join the African  National Congress
1948- Resistance - The rulling National party
1965s- Trial for Treason
1960- Argued- Setting up of a millitary wing within the ANO
1961- Acquitted & ANC considered his proposal
1962- Arrested & senteced to 5 yrs.
1963- Fellow leaders arrested & Mandella stand trial with then
1964-sent life time imprisoment
1964s- Incarcerated at Robben island
1990- Mandella Released
1991- 1st National conference of the ANC held